Then, I knit the Dad Sweater. This is the back of it, and I had to take the picture in complete darkness so the flash wouldn't wash out the color to a bright tomato red. It is NOT tomato red. Promise.
Oh, and if anyone knows what to do with a caston that's too tight... anything at all that doesn't involve ripping it out (I had to do that over the weekend, it was painful, I don't want to do it again), let me know! I'm interested.
Now, because there haven't been any cat pictures lately, and because my knitting was interrupted by two fuzzy usurpers who had taken over my comfy chair, I present to you:
What? You want to sit in this chair? Nope, didn't think so.
I hope the yarn tells you what to do with it soon.
Don't you know, putting a blanket on a chair is a direct invitation for kitties to sleep on it. Not that they NEED an invitation mind you...
That picture demonstrates the law of cat color! Light colored cats are attracted to dark things and dark colored cats are attracted to light colored things. Anything that shows the shedded fur best!
Looks like Merlin and Morgana have adopted your comfy chair. You may have to find another place to knit.
I don't have any advice about the too-tight cast on. :-( I'll be interested in seeing what others say!
I've been lucky with cast ons so far. I pretty much only learn from mistakes, therefore I have no idea about how to fix that.
And I hope you find something good to do with the frogged yarn. I have two former sweaters' worth of yarn that have not said a word to me yet.
i confess that the only way i know how to fix a too-tight cast-on edge is it out and redo it. i hope someone else offers you a more comforting solution.
What is it about cats that they take your spot on the chair the minute you get up? The only way I can get mine to move is to pretend I'm going to sit on her.
You have been doing a lot of frogging. I've never done that much before. I probably would have had a huge tangled mess!
I only would know how to redo the cast-on by starting over. And that would be a big bummer since you have so much finished already.
The only way i know how to deal with it would be to snip the yarn above the ribbing, unravel, pick up the stitches on the top of the work and reknit from the top down.
Thanks, I think I'll cut the ribbing... probably don't have to cut off the whole thing either, I've gotten pretty good at picking up ribbed stitches. But I need light for that, so that's a weekend activity.
Where do all these spam posts come from all of a sudden? Weird...
Hee, kitties. I'm immune to kitty cuteness now when I want my spot. They get moved!
Sorry you had to frog so much, ugh.
Love those kitties! They especially love wool and cashmere.
Wow! That's a lot of frogging!
LOL - bezzie is right about the law of cat color!
I thought it was bad having one cat to move when I wanted to sit down! =P
I've had a few trips to the frog pond lately myself but not in a good way. The yarn will tell you what to do eventually, I think it always does. So rarely do I have a set in stone idea for my yarn purchases. Usually it just comes to me. The kitties have taken over.
I can't wait to see the sweater done! I've been doing a lot of frogging. It's a good thing I don't mind frogging. I'm sure the right pattern will come to you and it'll be worth the wait!
I think that your fiber is exciting and mysterious, like a good novel. Unfortunately, I have no productive suggestions for cast-on methods, as I just cross my fingers that everything will work out and keep on going. But maybe a provisional deal would work? You could pick up and bind off?
I love frogging sweaters! mmm...let me refrase that, I love frogging sweaters I didn't knit ;-)
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