That was not today. That was 2 weeks ago. Today, the temperature outside was over 70 degrees F. Not good for thick wool sweaters. So I wore one of my regular bat shirts... and bought some bat earrings while we were out.
Then, there were the cookies. I bought some awesome cookie shapes and made cutouts. Lovely, aren't they?
They looked fabulous after I baked them. We ate some and threw out the rest -- they burned. The recipe didn't say how long to bake them... just "bake until the edges are brown." Uh... dude, the freaking cookies are brown! How am I supposed to know when the edges are brown? By the time I see them, they're burned. So... yeah. Lesson learned.
But we did go down to Porter Square today, where I sat in a cafe, ate a yummy oatmeal raisin cookie, did some spinning... and then, Mr. Batty and I stopped by Mind's Eye Yarns, and I bought some pretty purple/burgundy roving.
No Halloween post would be complete without a picture of my very own Helloween kitty. Poor Morgana went to the vet today... only to find out he'd looked at her tooth when we took her in a month ago and didn't have to go in at all.
But she's happy now. He just looked in her mouth, and that was it. She wasn't there long enough to pick up that vet smell... her brother didn't even hiss at her. So, all things considered, Halloween worked out pretty well.
I LOVE the idea of the novice knitter! I am soooo going to do that next year! I still have my Cardigan for Arwen that would fit a 2 foot high, 500 lb man, that would be awesome! (I still don't know what I was thinking, making that my first sweater)
The cookies are very cute! So sorry they burned. :-(
Well, the cookies look delicious. I think the cocoa/chocolate makes them burn faster. Maybe I heard that somewhere. Sounds familiar.
Those cookies are so cute!
such cute cookies!
Yum, those cookies look great! And Morgana has that perfect "I'm a content kitty" look :)
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