Now, without further ado, I give you the contents of The Box! Yorkie, I had to get over the iridescence of the greenish/blueish/orangeish/glittery yarn in the box. There's something so outrageous about it, I'm afraid I rather like it! It makes me think Cthulhu. Don't know why. But it will want to become tentacular trim, I can already tell!
Of course, weird yarn wasn't the only thing in that box. It also contained the incredibly yummy mint cake and toffees. Yum. For the most part, what you're seeing is empty box. I wonder how it got that way!
Thanks, Yorkie. The Box really cracked me up. I was expecting to win at least one weird thing in a Pope picture caption contest!
Have you all seen pictures of the Tangled Yoke Cardigan in the Fall issue of Interweave Knits? I saw it and thought it would make the perfect work garment. Except in a different color. Something that would add a bit of pizzazz to corporate couture. And I came up with this.
Purplish/fuchsia-ish tweed. Very professional, n'est-ce pas?
Your haircut is fabulous! I'd vote for ya! I bet your head feels lighter! Aha, I thought you did get the skirt too! Thinking ahead already on the shawl too!
I love that tweedy colorway!
Wow! That's a great cut for you! It's short without being severe. I'll bet it does feel a lot better and easier to care for!
Loverly hair! I'd totally vote for you. I think your slogan should be, "Vote for me, and no one gets hurt".
Glad you liked the box. Kendal Mint Cake is an acquired taste but hey, at least it travelled well, eh?
Batty! Love the hair!
Ummm, Kendal Mint Cake. I agree with Yorkie, an aquired taste. We used to love it when we were smll and on holiday in the Lakes. The chocolate kind is the best!
Oh I *love* the Flower Petal shawl! It will look awesome in black! I think your hair is very nice :) (and this way less likely to interfere with shawl admiration from the back ;) )
You look fabulous with the new hair! I think the cardigan will be very pretty in that yarn.
It's a great haircut! Not politicianish at all. But I'd vote for you. Maybe you should order some "Knitters for Batty '08" bumper stickers in case you do decide to run for office.
I just cast on for Tangled Yoke last night with the Rowan Felted Tweed in Melody--is that what your yarn is? I'm doing the sleeves first, so I have incentive to hurry up and finish them. The sooner they are done, the sooner I can get to the "good" part, the tangles.
Nice cut! Just don't wear any pantsuits and you should be OK in the political department ;-)
Cool Pope winnage!
The hair is great! It's perfect for a stripe or two of some zany color, too. ;) Vote for Batty!
Oh, and good luck on the LSAT. You'll do great!
THat will be a gorgeous cardigan in that yarn.
Love the hair - it looks fabulous.
You have my vote - I don't care what country you're from!!!
You've got my vote! VERY cute. Mmmmmm.......chocolate covered mint cake............................................................sorry I was licking my monitor. Better wipe it off now.
The green fuzz yarn looks fun!
Batty, your new 'do looks FABULOUS! Very chic, not a hint of politician.
That tweedy colorway should make for a great cardi!
Your hair looks awesome! So trendy. Are you used to it yet? Totally fun.
Your hair looks beautiful! I absolutely love the color you chose for the Tangled Yoke Sweater, and I can't wait to see your progress.
Like your cut and no, you look more like a lawyer than a politician. Is that better?
What is the yarn for TY - is that the felted tweed?
Sue (Little)
YAYY for new hair! I like it and I would totally vote for you!
Nice haircut! I did that recently and I didn't die of heat stroke yesterday during our heat wave.
Nice haircut :)
people have been hounding me to make the big cut too. Your's looks good, maybe it will give me courage to do mine.
What a cute hair cut! Very cool! Can't wait to see what you make with the green yarn! Nice!
Your hair looks great!
Tangled Yoke will look really nice in that colourway :)
OK, the bat dress is sweet, the tweed for Twisted Yoke is goregous (is it felted tweed?), the haircut is very cute, and quite polished -- and the green yarn is, well... tendril like. Maybe it matched the mint cake?
Love the new haircut! I'd vote for you. =)
How did hubby take the haircut ;)?
Lovely yarn for the Tangled Yoke Cardigan -- I'm sure you'll rock that purple tweed at work! Nice hair too.
I love your haircut! You don't look like a politician in the least--you have an honest face :)
I love your new haircut -- I don't think you look like a politician. I started growing my hair out for an updo for the wedding but I think that I will be getting a new cut in the next month or so myself.
Cute hair! You'll gain 5 more minutes every day now that you have less to dry. I think I have some of that greenish yarn too--I'll keep it for my grandkids to play with (which will be in another 10 years hopefully). Good choice in yarn for the Tangled Yoke. Look forward to seeing your progress.
I love the new haircut and the idea of a polititcian would never come to mind - it looks great!
Your haircut is adorable! I'd vote for you too!!
Vote for Batty, She loves her Catties!
Beautiful haircut! You look so lovely.
I can't wait to see how the cardigan comes out. What a gorgeous yarn choice. Someday, when the 'must knit stockings for Oktoberfest' bug exits the house, I'd love to try that pattern. One of the best in this issue of IK, imho
I love it! I myself am an avid supporter of the the Execu-bob Professional Hairstyle. It's adorable!
Isn't it weird to run a brush through your hair and have it flick out of your hands when it passes the shorter ends? That always surprises me when I go short.
I actually like your hair. I so wish I could cut my hair short again. (My husband likes the long flowing hair..although I don't think he knows how much of a pain it is to keep). You could put blue streaks in it! That would be cool!
Love your hair! You can take on the Guvernator if you ever move to CA. You have my vote.
Great tweedy color! It'll be gorgeous Tangled Yoke.
I love your new haircut! And the Tangled Yoke is the one thing I put directly onto my queue from this IK. I probably won't get yarn until Christmas money comes around, but I do love that sweater. It'll be a different color for me, too.
I love the haircut! I can't wait to chop mine. I also love the tangled yoke cardi, and am looking forward to seeing yours!
I like the hair! I think it looks cute, not politician! :)
WOAH! I am way behind on my blogreading, and obviously in seeing you! Your hair looks AWESOME!!!!
It's not politician hair -- it's lawyer hair! Very professional and smart, while still flirty, a la Ally McBeal. And cut for the best possible reason -- to save a furry creature from unnecessary pain. Can't wait to see the bat shawl with the bat dress...
Lovely! I've been itching to cut my own but every time I mention it there is a loud "no" from the peanut gallery. Whoever gets your hair will be very lucky!
Your hair looks great! I love the purple tweed too! What is it exactly? I think the cardigan will look awesome :)
i haven't been reading blogs... you cut your hair! it's just adorable. :-)
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