See? Merlin, with the bookshelf. In an attempt to get at his sister, he has thrown out Foucault and The Making of the English Working Class. His sister is hidden behind the books, contentedly chomping on Orientalism. They are orphan kitties who were weaned too early, and they have an oral fixation that would have delighted Freud. Everything needs to get gnawed, but for some reason, they particularly like to gnaw on books. Oy vey!
Merlin also enjoys chasing the gray snake that follows him around wherever he goes. Occasionally, he'll go after the black snake, which he likes even better. When you bite down on the black snake, it doesn't hurt. Now, if he could only figure out why it ticks off his sister!
And speaking of little sister, Morgana is a real nerd. She loves toys, she loves to chew on cables and the wireless router, and she has discovered computers. Mr. Batty is trying to play Civ, but she has her little nose almost glued to the monitor. There are things moving around, but when you try to grab them, they're not really there. Is that weird or what?
And, finally, the reason for the lack of knitting content. My comfy chair has been usurped.
So, now you know what's going on at our house. There will be knitting in my next post, I promise. I also promise to catch up with everybody's blogging activity over the weekend. Working full-time and learning to be a new kitty parent sure cuts into a person's free time!
I am so jealous, sigh. Wish I had *your* problems :)
Did Freud ever mention such a thing as kitten-envy?
I cannot wait for next week's knitting and kittens!
Oh man, they look like quite the little kittie babies. No wonder there's no knitting to be seen! They are totally cute, btw. Totally.
hehe, hope they let you knit soon!
They are just TOO cute! Makes me wish I could get one - no, two!
Ooohhhh how adorable!!! Kitties! Ours is an outdoor cat now and getting into street fights...
Don't you just love the little idiosyncrasies and personalities cats have? My cat had this fetish of breaking open a package of noodles on the pantry shelves and then doing a running belly slide into the gigantic mess. Then he'd tip over his bowl of water and watch it run all over the kitchen floor. Now? Now he just has this thing with his foot where he sits and stares at it so intently. I think it's because he's so chunky that when he cleans his belly, it takes him a while to remember that the white thing poking out under his belly flab is his foot.
The minute I saw you had a new post I had to look immediately, because I knew there would be kittens! They look bigger already.
Don't worry, to every thing there is a season, a time for knitting and a time for kittens. :-)
Ooohhhh, they are so cute!!
They sure keep you on your toes, don't they? They sound like wonderful kitties!
They sounds wonderful, although I had to read Foucault in college and I think I understand why Merlin tossed him out, a little bit on the heavy side, maybe he prefers Cat in the Hat. He might be a Seussian...
They are the cutest! Sounds like you are a fabulous kitty mom...I mean, you already have given up the knitting chair...hehehehe.
Hope the new job is going well too!
EEEEEEee Kitties!!!
They're soooo cute.
I recommend Bitter Apple spray (look in the dog section of the pet store) for the wire biting.
They are gorgeous! Sometimes I miss the Greeboloids kitty antics, and then I remember when he used to ambush my bare bum and hang on with foreclaws, swinging evilly from by arse..... And I am glad he is too heavy to do that now :D
Such cute babies :) I can't wait for more pics!
Oh boy, you've got to put a stop to this while they're still cute, or else they'll turn into Sally - my whole life positively revolves around her (I move her scratching post around regularly - to put it closer to whatever she's decided she wants to scratch more!) LOL they are super cute though.
Now you have to knit them a kitty pi!
They are so adorable - it's great getting to know them and their traits isn't it? You make me really, really want cats again, but my allergies say no :(
oh dear, i am going to die of cuteness. such cute kitties!
They are soooooo adorable. I love it when animals chase their tails; it cracks me up.
Oh, and the yarn on my blog? It's some merino and tencel dyed by Artsygal. Just, you know, in case you were curious. ;)
OMG the kittehs are so cute!! Hey, atleast they aren't into your yarn... yet. lol
Oh Wow! They're growing fast!
Oh too freaking cute!!!
I love the screen-batting! Ha ha!
Cuteness!! My oldest (Lucy) was weaned too early...some tips...Bitter Apple spray is great to train them to not nibble on dangerous things (like wires). You can get it at Petsmart or whatever.
I got Lucy plenty of little, soft toys to "suck" on - a little beanie monkey and an old cloth scrunchy were her favorites. When I caught her with something unsavory - there's nothing better than a book covered in cat drool :P - I would pick her up and direct her to the correct objects. Ditto for scratching.
Hope this helps!! Good luck!
Gosh - well, I guess books are slightly better than knitting, right? (though I have to say, as an ex-library assistant, I think it would be a fine line for me!)
I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said but those kittens are so cute it bears repeating.
They are so adorable. (and errr hope they understand knitting)
Such cuties! Makes me want a few more. Sadly, my lone feline is a big brat and doesn't get along with other kitties.
So cute! I love them both.
Good luck training them to be Good Around Yarn!
OMG so cute. It makes me miss when mine were little.
They are completely adorable. I'm so glad they got you (and vice versa).
Those are two good reasons not to be knitting much! Sorry I didn't make it all the way into Boston! Maybe someday soon!
it's been a long time since I had babies in the house. oh the joy and the pain! I lost some good books to chewing :)
ooh Kittehs! So cute and cuddles! Have you tried giving them something like a rawhide chew toy? That may help curb them chewing on other things? I know those squishy balls you get in the summer that soak up water to have water fights are a big hit with little cats (only give them to the kitties dry).
eek! Cute kittens, I love it when kitties chase there tails, so cute and funny.
Uh oh, you'd better reclaim your knitting chair or you'll never get it back! They are so cute, thanks for all of the pictures! Love the kitty watching the TV.
Heh, heh. I remember those days. I, too, have a brother sister team. They're 12 years old now. Since becoming grown-ups, they very rarely play together and certainly don't cuddle. Enjoy those times and take pictures of the naps. Re: the scratching post. Mine like the kind that's wrapped in rope, not the carpeted kind. You could easily make something like that with twine.
They are beautiful kitties! And you know, there is only so much Foucault one can absorb before going cross-eyed. The kitties know that they do not need to read any more philosphy about the nature of sexuality. LOL
I'm so jealous - I'd love to have a kitten! I'll have to live vicariously through you, I guess.
I've never had a kitten before, so I'm also enjoying the vicarious kittenness going on here! Thanks for the pics, and the comments are priceless!
They look so much bigger already!
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