Monday, May 08, 2006

Exciting office move

Our office moved into a new building today. I am very excited about this, not just because we'll be working in the basement like real catalogers, but mostly because it's diagonally across the street from a yarn store! All the knitters in the building ought to get a pay raise so we can support our yarn habits. I can already see the dilemmas: Go to lunch or buy yarn? Spend money on food or buy yarn? Go to work or go buy yarn?
Well, OK, maybe not the last one. Because if I do that, it won't be long till I no longer work diagonally across the street from the yarn store!


Rain said...

Well if you're missing they'll know where to find you....

veritas said...

our cataloguers worked in the roof. the roof, i tell you! it was so wrong, so heartrenchingly wrong.

the basement had the mail room in it. and the AV section. and these great, secret toilets.

i miss libraries...