Saturday, May 06, 2006

Hat and Socks

Socks! These are the first socks I've knit in, oh, 10 years or so. Supersock in Tropical Storm, US 3 needles. Should have used US 1 or 2, though, because of negative ease. What is it with me and making things too big? The colors were even more vibrant, and there was no pilling, but I had to stick them in the washer to shrink them just a little bit. Now they fit pretty well, though, and I love the colors.
But next time: negative ease. Swatch socks? Me? Why bother? Because they'll wobble and sag around my feet and ankles if I don't, that's why!

And here's my winter hat. I'm confused. I don't really like colors. I rarely wear anything other than black, and when I do, it's usually dark wines and purples. So why do I find bright, slubby colors irresistible when it comes to yarn? This hat is a perfect example: pinks, yellows, blues... what was I thinking?
But it's warm and happy-making, even though I look dorky with my head tilted forward so you get a better view of the hat.

If you take a closer look, you'll see this spiraly effect created by the thick and thin yarn. I had no idea this would happen, but it's pretty cool. I just cast on x number of stitches (can't remember how many, too lazy to go back and count), knit for a bit, then made decreases. The yarn did the rest. Neat, no?


Zonda said...

Love the socks and the hat is cool! The pattern the yarn made looks great!

veritas said...

what an adorable little hat!

despite my dark inclinations, my favourite knitted hat is a very ... intense blue. with bee buttons on it.

Jerry & Maxy said...

Well done!!! The hat is very cool, and it looks great on you - a splash of color against your lovely dark hair.

Rain said...

The hat is fab. I'm another one swayed by bright pretty colours when they're not my usual thing. It looks great the way the yarn has spiralled.