Friday, June 16, 2006

Progress report

Looks like it's time to buy a new digital camera pour moi while my husband gets his fixed. There is so much to photograph!

1. The wonderful package my Secret Pal Spazzy Pickles from the knitty board sent me. It's full of yarn and chocolate and tea, and it made me very happy. More gushing as soon as I can put up the pictures. The Pickle deserves to be bragged about and fully appreciated!

2. Clapotis. I'm on the 9th repeat of the straight section. Soon, I'll start on the decreases! This scarf/shawl is turning out so pretty. At first, I didn't know what all the excitement was about because I thought it looked so-so in the pictures. But in person, the Lion & Lamb has a beautiful sheen to it, and it works incredibly well with the pattern. I'm in love!

3. Tempting. The sleeves are almost the same length and ready to be joined. I haven't worked on this for a week because I got bored of the ribbing. That's what I get for making the sleeves elbow-length. I know I'll like the end result better for the extra work, but for now, it's annoying.

In other news: I sent out my sister's package yesterday, she should get it in 6-9 days. And I still don't have my e-bay stuff. If it isn't here by Monday, I'll e-mail the seller.

I don't want to go to class tomorrow! It's Saturday, it's going to be gorgeous, I have class from 9:30-4:30. Off to check the LYS schedule. Maybe they'll still be open so I can go shopping for my downstream SP?
You never know.

1 comment:

Rain said...

Ooooo busy busy busy. Can't wait to see the pics